Current Issue Cover

韦群1, 高丽2, 龚雪晶3(1.北京航空航天大学计算机科学系,北京 100083;2.总装备部情报所,北京 100063;3.装备指挥技术学院电子工程系,北京 101416)

摘 要
The Technique of Browsing Virtual World Based-on Cubic Panorama


Virtual reality technique organizes all kinds of information with a new mode in computer, and give a virtual information space of human nature. Usually, the virtual scene is denoted by panoramas, it has three kinds: spherical panorama, cylinder panorama and cubic panorama. Firstly this paper discusses the environment map briefly. From our point of view, the theory of environment map is a footstone to building virtual environment. Then it presents the basic and speedup arithmetic of browsing the cubic panorama , and introduces an anti-aliased arithmetic of the environment image to eliminate the distortion of the image. At last, the paper implements a cubic panorama browser. The browser has functions as follow: roaming in any direction in the virtual environment and the display speed is in direct ratio to the speed of the mouse; cruising the virtual environment with zooming in or zooming out. The browser also provides anti-aliased functions in following situation: real-time anti-aliased function, actionless anti-aliased function and no anti-aliased function. The browser can make user get the biggest freedom and give a kind of convenient and natural interactive mode.
