Current Issue Cover

周廷方1,2, 汤锋1, 王进1, 王章野1, 彭群生1,2(1.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027;2.浙江大学数学系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Digital Image Inpainting with Radial Basis Functions


The goal of digital image inpainting is to restore damaged regions or remove objects in the image. This paper presents a novel image inpainting algorithm based on RBF (radial basis functions). After the user selects the regions to be inpainted, the algorithm automatically detects contours of the mask and finds appropriate regions to construct the RBF. Color of the 2D image is treated as height field over a regularly sampled grid, the 2D image inpainting problem is naturally converted to 3D implicit surface reconstruction problem, which RBF has been proved to be a good solver. With RBF resampling,the algorithm can nicely fix the damaged image or remove specific objects. Experiments show that our algorithm can fix a large variety of images effectively and robustly.
