Current Issue Cover

李天钢1, 王素品1(西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院生物医学信息工程教育部重点实验室,西安 710049)

摘 要
Edge Detection for Gastric Tumor Pathologic Cell Images Based on Morphology


Edge detection analysis for gastric tumor pathologic cell images by mathematical morphology is introduced here. The main purpose of the research is to lay a foundation of analysis and recognition for cellular morphology by the watershed segmentation and the information fusion of the images. In the paper, gray-scale edge detection methods of morphologic principle for the cell images are brought forward, whose experimental results are achieved. By comparing with the traditional edge detection methods, it is proved the advantages of the edge detection of mathematical morphology for the research of gastric tumor pathologic cell images. Combining with the texture features of investigated image, the paper has discussed the effect to the image edge detection with various configuration elements and gray-scale threshold values.
