Current Issue Cover

普建涛1, 刘一2, 辛谷雨1, 查红彬1, 刘渭彬1, 上原祐介3(1.北京大学视觉与听觉信息处理国家重点实验室,北京 100871;2.富士通研究开发中心有限公司因特网应用技术研究部,北京 100016;3.株式会社富士通研究所ITMedia研究所言语处理研究部,日本 211-8588)

摘 要
A 3D Model Retrieval Method Based on the Similarity Between 2D Polygon Sets


In this paper, we present an approach based on similarity measuring between 2D polygon sets for 3D model retrieval. The basic idea is to represent the 3D model by a series of slices composed of 2D polygon sets along certain directions. In this way, the shape-matching problem between 3D models is transformed into the similarity measuring between 2D polygon sets, in which three problems are involved: the selection of cutting directions, cutting methods and similarity measuring. To solve these problems, some strategies and rules are proposed, and their are proved by some experiments.
