Current Issue Cover

赵书斌1, 张蓬1, 彭思龙1(中国科学院自动化研究所集成电路中心,北京 100080)

摘 要
Wavelet-Domain HMT-Based Color Image Superresolution


This paper presents a wavelet-domain Hidden Markov Tree(HMT)-based color image superresolution algorithm. Because there exists correlations among the three channels of a RGB color image, a channel by channel superresolution method almost certainly leads to color distortions. In order to solve this problem, first the low-resolution color image is converted into a gray-scale image using the spatially-adaptive approach presented in this paper and the resulting gray-scale image must reflect the human perception of edges in the color image; then by superresolving this gray-scale image, a high-resolution image is obtained; finally, wavelet-domain HMT-based image superresolutions are performed for the three channels of the low-resolution color image using the same posterior state probabilities, which reflect the hidden states of the wavelet coefficients of the high-resolution grayscale image obtained before, and thus the resulting high-resolution color image is what we desired. Because the correlations among the three channels of a RGB color image are considered, there are no color distortions in the reconstructed high-resolution image. Experimental results show that the reconstructed color images have high PSNR and are of high visual quality.
