Current Issue Cover

王国钧1, 韩丽萍1,2, 陈礼民1,3(1.湖州师范学院信息工程学院,浙江湖州 313000;2.山西大学电子系,太原 030006;3.山西大学计算中心,太原 030006)

摘 要
Images Registration of Pathologic Slices Using Relativity Based


The requirement of the images registration of pathologic slices is more demanding than others in quality, but some of the present methods of images registration will produce unmatched phenomena. In order to solve this problem, a new stitching algorithm of images based on relativity is presented here. In this algorithm, the character of the image is got from the two parallel columns (or lines) in the overlap area of images, which will be stitched up each other. To avoid the accumulation of the"disturbance", the maximal envelop is taken as the element of template ,which is the strongest character in the curve of difference data. And according to the relativity of the image content, the method of images registration will be proceeded by using the template which is made by the distribution of the maximal convex envelop, then the effect of the "disturbance" will be reduced, thus the method of images registration mentioned here is more steady than some former similar methods. Experiments demonstrate that this algorithm not only is more regular and stable, but also has a faster calculating speed. It's a more practical method of images registration.
