Current Issue Cover

韦燕凤1, 彭思龙1(中国科学院自动化研究所集成电路工程中心,北京 100080)

摘 要
A Fast Algorithm for Multiple Templates Locating Based on Templates Clustering


Aimed to locating all the instances of multiple templates in one image, a fast and more effective multiple templates locating algorithms based on clustering and synthesizing of templates is proposed. This algorithm can process those multiple templates even if only some of which are similar to each other. But all the templates must be almost the same size. First, a hierarchical clustering algorithm with feedback is applied to cluster the templates into some categories. In each category a mathematical model is applied to synthesize the templates in it. And thus a mother template is constructed. Second, the mother template of each category is used to search and matching in the translation space. And then the matched mother template is guided to check all the son templates. Edge maps are extracted for clustering, synthesizing, and matching. The partial Hausdorff distance matching with fast algorithm is suggested for mother template searching and matching procedure. Our algorithm is tested with difference multiple templates in integrated circuit micro images database. The results show that the scheme is efficient and effective for the task of multiple templates matching and locating.
