Current Issue Cover

程朋根1,2, 刘少华1, 龚健雅2, 谭福初1(1.东华理工学院测量系,抚州 344000;2.武汉大学测绘与遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,武汉 430079)

摘 要
模型拼合在地理建模、铁(公)路路线三维设计等领域应用十分广泛,研究如何快速高效地获得拼合模型的算法很有必要。基于Delaunay三角网模型的拼合算法,提出了一种快速获取模型拼合交线的方法和快速搜索交线范围内三角形的算法,采取拼合交线入网及初始D-三角网的裁剪2个关键步骤来实现D-三角网模型拼合。对模型拼合的整个过程进行了详细的阐述,采用VC^ 6.O语言实现了算法,并利用实验数据对算法进行测试,验证了算法的正确性与可行性。
Research on Models Merge Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation


Models merging is widely used in many domains such as geography modeling, 3D design of highway and railway route and so on, so it is essential to design an efficient models merging algorithm. The objective of this paper is to research on models merging algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation. A method of obtaining model merged intersection lines quickly and an algorithm of searching triangles on the inside of the intersection lines fast are proposed. For the purpose of implementing Delaunay triangulation models mergence, two main steps, such as insert the merged intersection lines into the Initial Delaunay Triangulation (IDT), and cut the triangles inside of the intersection lines in IDT out, are adopted. The processes of models merging are expatiated detailedly. The proposed algorithms are implemented by using VC programming language and tested by some experimental data. The experimental result validated the correctness and feasibility about the proposed algorithms.
