Current Issue Cover

王琪1, 郭雷1(西北工业大学自动控制系,西安 710072)

摘 要
新一代的国际标准MPEG-4不仅对运动视频有着很好的压缩效果,而且定义了压缩静止图像的部分——visual texture coding(VTC)。MPEG-4VTC编码可以对任意形状的静止物体进行编码,而且可以产生渐进的、可扩展的、对误差鲁棒的比特流。本文根据MPEG-4VTC所定义的解码过程,建立了与标准相容的编码框架;从标准要求的各个方面人手,给出了对于小波变换系数的不同扫描算法和不同的量化算法。通过与其他静止图像的压缩标准对比。可以看出实现的VTC编码算法不但有良好的率失真性能,而且具有许多有用的特性。
An Implement of Visual Texture Coding in MPEG-4


The new standard MPEG 4 not only has the excellent compression impact on the motion video , but also defines Visual Texture Coding, which is used for the compression of still image. MPEG 4 VTC can encode arbitrarily shaped still object as well as producting progressive scalable bitstream which is robust to error. A encoding frame consilient with syntax of MPEG 4 VTC is presented . This paper offers different scanning and quantization algorithm according to the syntax of MPEG 4 VTC. Comparison with other compression standard for still image shows that the VTC has better rate distortion performance and many attractive useful characteristic.
