Current Issue Cover

周寿军1, 梁斌1, 陈武凡1(第一军医大学生物医学工程系图像重点实验室,广州 510515)

摘 要
A New Approach to Motion Estimation Based on the Fuzzy Gibbs Random Field


Motion estimation is a uncertainty problem, which can't be actually solved because of discontinuity, data distortion and random noise of an image if we only start with the algorithm of MAP (maximum a posteriori probability). In this paper, in order to improve the effect of motion estimation, the fundamental idea of fuzzy data fusion and Gibbs distributing have been adopted to change the computation results of Gibbs energy function, and the risk restriction condition of motion field is effectively brought into the local updating process of GNC (graduated non-convexity function). Moreover, a Gibbs energy function based on the discontinuity adaptive Markov model has been established firstly, which can fuse two classes of vectors, one based on feature and the other on gradient under some restriction conditions; Secondly, a Risk Decision Table about the vectors field have been constructed by some experience information, by which each iterative convergence result was supervised and revised so that data fusing can be well realized. In view of the convergence and robustness of the algorithms, the results of fuzzy fusion are obviously better than that of simple Gibbs's estimation.
