Current Issue Cover

张海波1, 原魁1, 周庆瑞1(中国科学院自动化研究所高技术创新中心,北京 100080)

摘 要
Visual Navigation of a Mobile Robot Based on Path Recognition


Guidance using path following iswidely applied in the field of autonomousmobile robots. Comparedwiththe navigation system without vision, visual navigation has obvious advantages as rich information, low cost, quietness, innocuity, etc. This paper describes a navigation system which uses the visual information provided by guide lines and color signs. In our approach, the visual navigation is composed of three main modules: image-preprocessing, path-recognition and path-tracking. First, image-pre-processing module formulates color models of all kinds of objects, and establishes each object’s support through adaptive subsampling-based binarization and mathematical morphology. Second, path-recognition module detects the guide lines through an improved Hough transform algorithm, and the detected results including guide lines and color signs integrate the path information. Finally, calling different functions according to the movement of straight-going orturning, path-trackingmodule provides required input parameters tomotor controller and steering controller. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and the robustness of our approach.
