Current Issue Cover

贾洪涛1, 朱元昌1, 王建华1(中国人民解放军军械工程学院光学与电子工程系,石家庄 050003)

摘 要
The Principle and Implementation for Extended Adaptive Median Filter


Noise filtering is a necessary step on image pre-processing stage in digital image processing. In most situations we will deal with image noise with high density, especially it is very difficult for processing image corrupted by salt-and-pepper noise with high probabilities. In this paper, the disadvantage of normal noise filter working in spatial domain was analyzed, and a new filtering technique, that is, extended adaptive median filtering technique was proposed. The extended adaptive median filtering not only inherites the advantages from standard adaptive median filter, but also remedies the corresponding disadvantages. It resolves the filtering problem for image corrupted with high density, and derives reasonable perfective effect. Finally several resulting figures from filtering technique effect figures are presented to verify the new noise filtering technique developed in this paper.
