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陈文亮1, 孙立波1, 张胜1(南京航空航天大学机电学院,南京 210016)

摘 要
The Algorithm of Combined Mesh Generator for Complicated Surface


Finite element analysis (FEA) plays more and more important role in sheet-metal forming. However, if the analysis is performed on a low quality mesh, the FEA can be inaccurate. The algorithm of combined mesh generator for complicated surface is proposed to meet the requirement of sheet-metal forming CAE software. The boundary node of surface is generated according to mesh density first. The combined mesh is paved inside until the region is filled. The offset point acquirement of mesh and combined mesh generating steps are proposed. According to the collision type of mesh, three different solving methods (combination of nodes in loop, separation of loop and join between loops) are discussed. The algorithm has been used to metal forming CAE software. The practical application proves that the algorithm is robust, accurate and fast. The meshes which are generated by this algorithm have no crack and overlay in neighboring boundary of surfaces. It is satisfied for metal forming CAE software.
