Current Issue Cover

李毅1, 阮秋琦1(北京交通大学信息科学研究所,北京 100044)

摘 要
Algorithm of Paper Counting Based on Texture Analysis


An algorithm of paper counting based on texture analysis is proposed in the paper, in which machine vision method is employed, for the reason that paper counting machines used widely have some defects, such as taking up a lot of room, consuming much energy, being hulking, inconveniencing the maintenance work etc. So two complementary methods for paper counting based on Image Processing technology are proposed in this paper. One is paper counting by 2D Gabor filter, the other is paper counting by 1D line by line frequency analysis, in which periodicity of distribution of intensity caused by periodic placement of paper is considered as stripe texture. The information for counting and the paper number is gained through filtering the image and retaining the stripe texture using Texture Analysis knowledge because the orderly placement of paper in the image causes the interrelated resource in frequency domain. The experiments show that paper counting by 2D Gabor filter is affected deeply by the quality of the paper image and has limited application range in despite of running faster, and paper counting by 1D line by line frequency analysis can works well and gain the accurate paper number despite low speed. Generally speaking, algorithm of paper counting by digital image processing and texture analysis is infrequent in China, so some attempts are made in the paper. The result indicates that the algorithm of paper counting has fine future in application.
