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费佩燕1, 郭宝龙1(西安电子科技大学测控工程系,西安 710071)

摘 要
多小波是小波理论的进一步发展,在实际应用中它可把十分重要的光滑性、紧支性、正交性、对称性等完美的结合起来。鉴于现有多小波去噪方法只谈及去噪思想,没给出具体的实现方法,为此,将多小波变换与单小波去噪方法中的HeurShrink去噪法结合起来,提出了一种切实可行的基于多小波的HeurSure图像去噪方法(muhiwavelet—based image denoising with HeurSure),简称MDH去噪法。并将D4单小波去噪法中的HeurShrink法与MDH法的去噪效果进行了比较。实验结果表明,MDH法的去噪效果优于D4单小波的HeurShrink法去噪效果。
A Study on Multiwavelet-based Image Denoising


Multiwavelets are developed in recent years. They are a new addition to the body of wavelet theory. They preserve many properties of single wavelets while overcoming limitations of single wavelets. In practice, they perfectly combine smoothness, short support, orthogonality, symmetry.ect. The existing algorithms of multiwavelets denoising only provide theories of denoising but there is no concrete performing method. Hence, multiwavelets are combined with HeurShrink denoising method in this paper. A feasible denoising method ,called MDH, is proposed and the denoising performances of D4 scalar wavelet are compared with that of MDH. The experimental results show that MDH is superior to D4 scalar wavelet in denoising via HeurShrink.
