Current Issue Cover

张旗1, 梁德群2(1.大连海事大学自动化与电气工程学院,大连 116026;2.大连海事大学信息工程学院,大连 116026)

摘 要
The Optimal Selection of Decomposition Level in EZW Based on Edge Active Measure


Based on the investigation of EZW,the relationship between space redundancy(scaled by edge active measure) of the compressed image and the result of EZW coding is analyzed,and the concept that there exists an optimal wavelet decomposition level in EZW is proposed.The relationship in EZN coding between different compression ratio,different decomposition level and different images is reported.The executing time is also used as a factor for selecting decomposition level.The experimental results indicate that the three-level decomposition in EZW should be adopted for high compresssion ratio and the four-level decomposition is optimal for low ratio.The results provide a basis for further research on adaptive EZW algorithms.
