Current Issue Cover

孟维亮1, 孙济洲1, 孙小兵1(天津大学电子信息工程学院,天津 300072)

摘 要
Planar Texture Rectification and Mapping Based on Reconstruction from Two Views


When roaming in a 3D virtual scene,texture mapping is a main tactic to display the reality of the scene.But for some special cases i.e.the position of the object or other difficulties which can't be overcome,the texture with perspective distortion is got.Here how to rectify the plain texture to remove perspective distortion and corresponding texture mapping are discussed.This process is as follows: applying projective transformation on the plane,using interpolation method to acquired texture,and then mapping it on the model.This is based on reconstruction from two views.Some existing algorithms are used and some changes are made to achieve a good result during projective transformation.Then the result of test is analyzed and discussed.This method can be used to construct a virtual scene,or clarify the blur of the photos for the reason of perspective distortion.
