Current Issue Cover

李光鑫1, 王珂1, 张立保2(1.吉林大学通信工程学院,长春 130025;2.北京师范大学信息科学与技术学院,北京 100875)

摘 要
Computationally Efficient Algorithm of Multiresolution Image Fusion with Weighted Average Fusion Rule


The key of application and practicalization of image fusion technology is whether the used fusion algorithm has fast speed and high reliability or not,so the research of computationally efficient algorithms which can produce good results is very important.Conventional multiresolution image fusion methods with weighted average fusion rule exhibit high level of fused image quality,but their fusion rules represent computationally expensive solutions.To reduce their computational complexity,using the defined correlated signal intensity ratio,a computationally efficient algorithm of multiresolution image fusion with weighted average fusion rule is presented.Compared with those conventional methods,the proposed algorithm achieves a considerable improvement in real time capabilities.The experimental results show that images achieved by this efficient algorithm are of equivalent or better quality than those obtained from more complex,conventional image fusion methods.
