Current Issue Cover

朱宪伟1, 孙祥一1(国防科技大学航天与材料工程学院,长沙 410073)

摘 要
Bundle Adjustment Applied in Photogrammetric Survey of Solar Panel


Due to the large span,small elasticity and feebleness damp in aerospace,the solar panel easily generates non-linear vibration with low frequency.It is difficult to measure the vibration with traditional sensors.This paper gives a design to measure the vibration with photogrammetric survey,and at the same time,the method of bundle adjustment is applied to modify the position of targets.Sometimes the parameters of the camera may be changed,bundle adjustment is secondly applied to modify the changed parameters,which advances the robust of this design.At last,this paper testifies the feasibility of bundle adjustment applied in the design to modify the camera's parameters with numerical emulator.
