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邓旭阳1,1, 郭新宇1, 周淑秋1, 郑文刚1(国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心,北京 100089)

摘 要
为了更好地进行玉米叶片几何造型模拟,基于对玉米叶片形态建成过程的观测研究,首先提取了玉米叶片形态结构和形态建成过程的主要特征,然后构建了参数化的玉米叶片几何模型。该模型用较少几个具有较明确的生物学意义的形态参数,就可实现玉米叶片形态和形变过程的矢量化,再结合VC 和OpenGL,就可在计算机上重现玉米叶片的虚拟生长,模拟结果表明,图像上的效果、产生的数据和实际叶片基本一致,从而为相关领域研究者提供了一个可视化的玉米叶片模型。该模型结构简单、易于交互、真实感强,可较好地模拟玉米叶片建成过程中的形态变化特征。
Study on the Geometry Modeling of Corn Leaf Morphological Formation


Through close observation and research on the morphological formation, as well as growth rules of corn leaf, and combined with some knowledge in agriculture the mathematic model for changes on morphology in corn leaf was brought forward. By the meanings of techniques of Computer Graphics, VC++ and OpenGL, the 3-Dimensional Visualization of leaf morphological formation was realized on computers. The advantages of the model are as follows: the structure is simple, it is apt to be interactive, the images produced on computer with the model has high Sense of reality; and it can simulate the growing process of the corn leaf very well on computer.
