Current Issue Cover

袁非牛1, 廖光煊1, 范维澄1, 周荷琴1(中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥 230027)

摘 要
Visualization of Hybrid Scenes Based on Ray Casting Algorithm


Volume rendering is often used for 3D volumetric datasets visualization.It can generate high quality images,but can not render volumes and polygons combined scenes.Among many currently available techniques of visualizing hybrid scenes,some can render volumes and triangles combined scenes,but can not process geometric points and lines.To correctly render these complicated hybrid scenes,a ray casting based algorithm using SIMD and software acceleration techniques is presented.The algorithm has three types of rendering order,each of which has its own advantages and drawbacks for different applications.It can be adopted in parallel and perspective projection for many applications.Experiments show that the algorithm can properly visualize volumes,polygons,lines and points combined scenes,and rendered images have high quality and its rendering speed is very fast.
