Current Issue Cover

王辉1, 毛志刚1(哈尔滨工业大学微电子中心,哈尔滨 150001)

摘 要
A Low Complexity Adaptive Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Evolution Strategies


Based on evolution strategies(ESs) a novel adaptive motion estimation search algorithm is presented in order to improve the encoder quality.The mutation operator in ESs is used with frequency corresponding to the normal distribution law.This algorithm applies the ES algorithm to block motion estimation,the motion direction factor participates in motion vector computing as a variable for the first time,and affects the whole search process,neither just being an implicit factor nor a predictive measure.The adaptive schemes are advanced in the step length control and population sizing.Experimental results demonstrate that this algorithm has similar performance to that of the full search algorithm,and owing to its inherent parallelism and low complexity it is suitable for VLSI implementation.
