Current Issue Cover

周晓光1, 陈军2, 朱建军3, 李志林1(1.中南大学测绘与国土信息工程系,长沙 410083;2.国家基础地理信息中心,北京 100044;3.香港理工大学土地测量与地理资讯学系,香港 999077)

摘 要
提出了一种时空数据自动化(或半自动化)的更新方法——基于事件的时空数据库增量更新方法(eventbased incremental updating,缩写为E-BIU).其以地理事件、空间实体变化类型及时空数据库动态操作算子间关系为基础,通过地理空间变化事件来确定单一实体变化类型,然后通过单一实体变化类型与动态操作算子之间的关系来确定更新操作以实现时空数据库更新的自动化(或半自动化).继而设计了E-BIU系统的实现框架,包括地理空间变化事件队列(简称事件队列)、时空数据库、3个代理(事件代理、更新规则代理和一致性规则代理)、两个规则集(更新规则和一致性规则),描述了其实现流程,并对该方法进行了实例分析与实验验证.
Event-based Incremental Updating of Spatio-Temporal Database


Based on the relationship among the geographic events,spatial changes and the database operations,a new automatic(semi-automatic) incremental updating approach of Spatio-Temporal database(STDB) named as Event-Based Incremental Updating(E-BIU) is proposed in this paper.At first,the relationship among the events,spatial changes and the database operations is analyzed,then a total architecture of E-BIU implementation is designed,which includes an event queue,three managers and two sets of rules,and each component is presented in detail.The process of the E-BIU of the master STDB is described successively.An example of incremental updating is given to illustrate this approach at the end.The result shows that E-BIU is an efficient automatic updating approach for master STDB.
