Current Issue Cover

杨程1, 孙守迁1, 苏焕1(浙江大学计算机学院现代工业设计研究所,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Reconstruction and Exhibition of Chime Bell Music and Choreography for Safeguarding of Ancient Chu-culture


In order to protect ancient Chu-culture of China,virtual reality technique was used to reconstruct and imitate cultural space and historic activity.According to literal recordation,ancient images and ancient relic,we reconstructed chime bell,bronze utensils,lacquers,characters,finery and architecture by 3d scanner and 3d modeling technique,and we also recovered the fading color painted on culture relic in ancient times.Motion was collected from chu-dancers by motion capture technique.Then all models were incorporated into a scene for rendering animation,and chime bell music was combined with the animation.Finally,an interactive system to exhibit culture was founded by VRML technique.The method to protect and transmit culture heritage is more acceptable and enjoyable than traditional one,which is better to attract audiences' attention,make audiences to obtain experience,increase the extent and depth of culture transmitted.
