Current Issue Cover

孙耀1, 戴懿贺1(上海东方明珠传输有限公司,上海 200120)

摘 要
The Coverage Research of Mobile Phone Television T-DMB in L Band


In order to develop the application of mobile phone TV in Shanghai, we adopt L-band for T-DMB trial in Shanghai. Having set up the SFN transmitting platform for the wireless signal coverage of urban area of Shanghai, we made a measurement about coverage on road, adopted the CCIR model for the coverage estimate to compared the measured field strength, and proved the reliability of the CCIR model for the coverage planning prediction in high-dense-building city in L-band. According to the theoretical research and practical proof, two transmitting sites can achieve 80% coverage in Shanghai urban area, and CCIR is reliable for the prediction of coverage in super-large city as Shanghai which will be instructional for the coverage optimization in the future.
