Current Issue Cover

吴迪1, 佟宁2, 陈晓川1(1.大连理工大学电子与信息工程学院计算机科学与工程系,大连 116024;2.东华大学机械学院计算机科学与工程系,上海 200051)

摘 要
为了满足移动多媒体传输的需要,提出了一种新的移动模型——multimedia communication mobility model (MCM),该移动模型充分考虑了实际环境中存在障碍物和多媒体业务的特殊要求。利用MCM设计了针对多媒体业务的路由算法,并给出了算法的详细描述。由于该算法考虑到了现实障碍物的影响。并借鉴了无线自组网基本路由协议,因此其不仅能获得满足业务要求的路由。而且能避免链路中断的影响,以便通过及时开启备用节点来提供备用路由。与目前已经提出的路由算法相比。该协议更适合于移动多媒体业务的需求。
Mobile Multimedia Routing Algorithm in Mobile ad hoc Networks with Obstacles


To meet the requirement of mobile multimedia communication,the paper presents a new mobility model(MCM).MCM takes special requirements of mobile multimedia services into consideration,and is fit for real-world environment with obstacles.A routing algorithm,using MCM,is proposed for multimedia services in ad hoc networks.The algorithm is described in detail.This algorithm takes effects of obstacles into consideration,and is based on the basic routing protocols.By using standby nodes to provide alternate routing,it can not only obtain right route for transmission,but also avoid the link break.Compared with present routing algorithms,the algorithm is more adaptive to the transmission of mobile multimedia.
