Current Issue Cover

卢国勋1, 孙军1, 周军1(上海交通大学图像通信与信息处理研究所,上海 200240)

摘 要
为了提高视频流传输系统的性能,并简化设计,提出了一种基于TI DM642处理器的MPEG-2传输流解复再复用系统设计。与以前的设计相比,该设计由于充分利用了DM642处理器内部的Video Port、PCI、EDMA等硬件特性,从而提高了系统性能。同时还提出了一种基于VIC Port的PCR校正方法,用于简化PCR校正的实现。测试表明,该设计能对传输码率为80Mbps的传输流进行实时解复用再复用,从而满足了实际应用对码率的要求。
System Design for De&Re-multiplexing of MPEG-2 Transport Stream Based on DM642


To achieve high performance and simplify the design,this paper presents the system design for de&re-multiplexing of MPEG-2 TS(transport stream) based on DM642.Compared to former methods,this design uses many DM642 internal hardware properties such as Video Port,PCI(peripheral component interconnect),EDMA(enhanced direct memory access) etc,by which the system performance is enhanced.The algorithm of PCR(program clock reference) correction based on VIC Port(voltage controlled crystal oscillator interpolated control port) is proposed which reduces the complexity of PCR correction.Experiments have proved that the max TS processing rate is 80 Mbps,which meets the application requirements.
