Current Issue Cover

卢惠民1, 王祥科1, 刘斐1, 季秀才1, 郑志强1(国防科技大学机电工程与自动化学院,长沙 410073)

摘 要
Omni-Vision and Front Vision Based Object Recognition for Soccer Robots


The omni-vision system for RoboCup middle-size league soccer robot-NuBot and its method for object recognition are introduced firstly in the paper,and then a simple front vision system is used to improve the accuracy of recognition of the ball in front,and meantime an easy and effective calibration method for front vision system is presented,and finally the realization mechanism for the two vision systems working together is introduced,in which the processing speed of robot's object recognition can be accelerated.The experimental result shows that the object recognition can be done successlly with the function of both vision systems.
