Current Issue Cover

王平1,2, 洪向共1, 杨华1, 邱文华1, 白俊杰1(1.南昌大学信息工程学院,南昌 330029;2.上海交通大学图像通信与信息处理研究所,上海200030)

摘 要
Position Detection of Airplane Head Based on Color Image Segmentation


In order to avoid airplanes parking in the depot from crashing other moving airplanes, this paper proposed a method about position detection of airplane head based on image color character analysis. The method is used in the designing of intelligent security surveillance system for airplane depot toward the functioning of collision and striking warning. Firstly, the RGB image captured by the camera is transtormed into the HSI space. Then the red area, which is related to airplane head, is extracted by double thresholding of the saturation and hue components. And then the segmented image is post-processed with morphological operations to determine tile vertex of airplane head and the corresponding safe zone. Experimental results demonstrate that this method can detect the airplane head effictively and improve the performance of the classical surveillance system.
