Current Issue Cover
基于TFT LCD的立体显示技术研究

梁发云1, 邓善熙1, 杨永跃1(合肥工业大学仪器仪表学院,合肥 230009)

摘 要
裸眼立体显示器使用特殊的光学方法能产生左右眼互不干扰的独立视区,由于其能使立体对图像与眼睛正确对应,因此不需要配戴立体眼镜等视图分隔装置也可以获得立体感.为了实现高清晰无闪烁的裸眼立体显示,在简述几种典型的基于TFT LCD的立体显示技术的基础上,选择线光源照明法作为重点研究对象,先分析了左右视图截面光路的特点,然后利用菲林曝光方法制造光栅胶片,设计了一种产生线光源的照明板,最后探讨了立体显示器的基本结构,并据此开发了一种基于TFT LCD的立体显示器.实验结果表明,研制的样机可以获得高清晰无闪烁的裸眼立体显示.
Research on Stereoscopic Display Technique Based on TFT LCD


Been used special optic method to produce independence view zone for each eye, made the stereo pair corresponding with left and right eye, the nakedness-eye stereoscopic display can be perceived stereo vision without stereo spectacle. In this paper, we briefly several related typical stereoscopic display using TFT LCD. And taking the line light illumination 3 D display as main research object, we analyzed the section light road. By using exposal method to make grating film, we designed a linear light illumination board. Moreover we discussed basic structure of stereoscopic display. The result of experiment proves our stereoscopic dispIay can perceive high resolution, no twinkling stereo vision.
