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颜锋华1, 金亚秋1(复且大学渡散射与遥感信息国家教育部重点实验室,上海 200433)

摘 要
分析了Getis统计中空间尺度设定对于标准Z值的影响,提出用变化的空间尺度设定来进行Gctis空间相关性的计算,直观反映遥感特征参量的空间分布,并用被动微波遥感SSM/I(special sensor microwave/imager)的辐射亮度温度数据进行了验证分析。进一步地,针对Getis标准Z值分布不能评估中值聚类的缺点,提出了多层尺度分布的Getis空间自相关性统计方法,用模拟的图像和主动微波遥感ERS-2SAR(European Remote Sensing-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar)数据进行了验证分析,结果证明多层尺度分布的Getis能够比较全面地反映地表特征参量分布的空间信息。
Spatial Auto-correlation of Characteristic Parameters in Remotely Sensing Image Using Optimal Multi-Scale Getis Statistic


The effect of varying spatial scale of the Getis statistic on the standardized Z value is studied, it is proposed to employ different spatial scales for evaluation of the spatial autocorrelation in the Getis statistic. Multi-scale Getis is analyzed and validated by using passive remote sensing SSM/I data. Furthermore, a novel multi-layer and multi-scale Getis is studied to evaluate the spatial autocorrelation of the pixels with the medium values. An image of active remote sensing ERS-2 SAR gives an example for analysis and validation of this novel multi-layer and multi-scale Getis.
