Current Issue Cover

夏飞海1, 吴庆标1(浙江大学数学系科学与工程计算研究所,杭州 310028)

摘 要
ShapeM odification of Bézier Surfaces by Contrained Optim ization


Bézier curve and surfaces are one kind of the most commonly used parametric curves in CAGD and computer graphics. Developingmore convenient techniques for designing and modifying Bézier curve and surfaces are an important problem. This paper investigates the optimal shapemodification ofBézier surfaces by geometric constraints. A constrained optimizationmethod based on changing the control points of the surfaces is presented in this paper. Ahich modifys control points of the originalBézier surfaces to satisfy the given constraints andmodify the shape of the surfaces optimally. Practical examples are also given. The results indicate thatLagrange multipliermethod is an effective way to solve the problem of shape ofBézier surfaces.
