Current Issue Cover

陈少辉1, 张秋文1, 王乘1, 周建中1(华中科技大学数字化工程中心,武汉 430074)

摘 要
Fusing MODIS and SPOT Images Based on Self-adaptive Weighting


In this paper,a fusion algorithm for enhancing the spatial resolution of MODIS images is proposed,based on the joint use of IHS representation and orthogonal wavelet decomposition(OWD).The basic idea consists of following steps represent the MODIS images in the IHS space,substitute the I with the high resolution intensity component obtained from the fusion with the approximate component of the SPOT image through an intensity correlation comment model based on the self-adaptively weighting(SCMM).Finally,three high-resolution MODIS images are achieved through an inverse OWD by using the three modulated MODIS images obtained by an inverse IHS transform as the approximate component and the details of the SPOT image as the high frequencies.Experiments confirm that the proposed algorithm can achieve better performance in terms of both preserving the spectral information and improving the spatial resolution of MODIS images visually and statistically.
