基于X3D/XML的组件式3维WebGIS平台:Geo-SD SHIP体系结构研究
王涛1,2, 陈曦1, 罗格平3, 王伟胜1, 包安明1, 丁励强1(1.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,乌鲁木齐 830011;2.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039;3.浙江大学软件学院,杭州 310027) 摘 要
鉴于数据提供者与数据需求者之间的矛盾是促使WebGIS产生、发展的直接动力,为此围绕着在Web环境下如何以3维空间可视化方式来实现地理空间数据共享与互操作的问题,以X3D/XML数据流作为不同结构的地理空间数据之间联系的桥梁,建立了一种新的组件式WebGIS体系结构——Geo-SD SHIP(Geo-Spatial Data Sharing and Handling Integrated Platform)。为了更好地阐述基于X3D/XML的组件式3维WebGIS平台的有效性、可行性,首先对Geo-SD SHIP体系结构组成及其特点进行了深入的阐述,并给出了Geo-SD SHIP体系结构框架图;接着,详细介绍了基于X3D/XML的Geo-SD SHIP体系结构中各组件实现的关键技术,如Web-3D虚拟地理场景的创建、用VC++.Net和ArcObjects来构建X3D/XML数据转换组件和GIS空间分析组件,以及用VC++.Net结合OpenGL图形函数库来实现X3D/XML数据解析组件等;最后,举例说明了Geo-SD SHIP体系结构的数据转换服务请求/响应过程、数据需求服务请求/响应过程,并通过在国家自然基金项目和中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目中的成功应用,证明了Geo-SD SHIP体系结构的有效性和可行性。
3D Sub-assembled WebGIS Platform Based on X3D/XML: An Architecture Research of Geo-spatial Data Sharing and Handling Integrated Platform(Geo-SD SHIP)
() Abstract
The conflict between data provider and demander has given a direct impetus to the research on WebGIS.Considering the problem of implementing the participation and interoperation of geospatial data by using 3D visualization method,the authors construct a new sub-assembled WebGIS architecture,namely Geo-Spatial Data Sharing and Handling Integrated Platform(Geo-SD SHIP),which regards X3D/XML dataflow as the connection among heterogeneous geospatial data.The characteristics of Geo-SD SHIP are explained and its architecture is diagrammatized.In addition,the key technology to implement Geo-SD SHIP was demonstrated,which includes: 1) to create Web-3D virtual geographic scene based on X3D/XML;2) to construct X3D/XML components for geospatial data exchange and GIS spatial analysis;3) to implement parser components of X3D/XML data by utilizing VC++.Net and OpenGL API libraries.Geo-SD SHIP has had successful application in the project of National Science Foundation(Grant No.40471134) and the CAS pilot project of Knowledge Innovation Programs(Grant No.KZCX3-SW-326-03 and KZCX3-SW-327-01),and experimental results demonstrate that Geo-SD SHIP can achieve the participation and interaction of heterogeneous geo-spatial data on the Web.
geo-spatial data virtual reality WebGIS extensible threedimensions(X3D) extensible maxkup langnage(XML)