郁梅1, 肖方明2, 蒋刚毅1, 李福翠3(1.宁波大学电路与系统研究所,宁波 315211;2.中国科学院计算技术研究所,北京 100080;3.北京大学视听信息处理图像实验室,北京 100871) 摘 要
多描述编码是近年来提出的用于不可靠网络的视频编码方法。本文在块基编码的基础上,提出了一种基于宏块分裂的多描述编码方法、相应的冗余度控制策略以及误匹配控制方法。该宏块分裂视频多描述编码简单易行,且与视频编码标准相兼容。实验结果表明,与优化分裂DCT系数多描述编码方法和多描述变换编码(muhiple description transform coding,MDTC)相比,该宏块分裂多描述视频编码方法能获得较好的稳健编码性能。
Multiple Description Video Coding with Macrobiock Splitting
() Abstract
In recent years,multiple description coding(MDC) had been proposed to address robust video transmission problem over error-prone networks.In this paper,a macroblock splitting based multiple description scheme is proposed,and the corresponding redundancy control and mismatch control methods are also given.The proposed scheme is easy to be realized and compatible with the video coding standard.Experimental results show that the proposed scheme of multiple description video coding outperforms the optimal DCT coefficient splitting scheme and the MDTC scheme.