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包磊1, 秦小麟1(南京航空航天大学信息科学与技术学院,南京 210016)

摘 要
不确定性处理是时空数据库技术研究的新领域,现有研究成果集中在时空不确定性的表示模型方面,缺乏不确定性对象间时空关系特别是拓扑关系的分析.提出了利用3维拓扑分析模型来分析2维运动对象的时空关系,针对随时间演化的2维不确定性区域,将Egg/Yolk模型中的RCC(region connection calculus)区域扩充至3维,得到46种联合完备且互不相交的基本拓扑关系,根据各基本拓扑关系的时空特性,将46种基本关系归类为21类不确定性时空关系.
The Topological Relations Analysis for Indeterminate Regions Evolving with Time


The topic of uncertainty management is a new issue in spatiotemporal database research. Some efforts have already been made on the indeterminacy representation models, while the area of topological relations models for indeterminate spatiotemporal objects remain untouched. The goals of these models are to provide a set of Joint Exclusive and Pair wise Disjoint topological relations for uncertain spatiotemporal objects. This paper presents a topological relations model for indeterminate evolving 2D regions. It checks the correspondence between 3d topological relations and spatiotemporal relations, provides restrictions to make the 3d relation model fitful for spatiotemporal objects. Then it extends Egg/Yolk model to the third dimension that can describe the approximate topological relations for indeterminate evolving regions. The result is a collection of relations clusters which have different spatiotemporal nature.
