Current Issue Cover

李勇1, 李平1, 文玉梅1(重庆大学光电工程学院,光电技术及系统教育部重点实验室,重庆 400030)

摘 要
Constrained Least-Square Restoration of Space-Variant Blurs Resulting from Optical Imaging Systems


Theoretically, deteriorated images resuhing from imaging system performances can be recovered in a digital way providing that the optical imaging transfer function is known and its inverse function or the approximate inverse function can be found according to the measurement or the priori knowledge of the imaging transfer function. Basically both the imaging transfer functions and the recovery functions are space-variant. Based on space-variant image recovery by inverse filtering with polynomial approximation, we developed a new approach in which the space-variant recovery function is decomposed as the linear combination of a space-invariant base function and its power functions. The base function is such chosen, in recovery, that it brings no error as it corresponds to difference instead of derivative operations. Furthermore, the least square constraint is introduced to the recovery function for regulating the restoration. By this way, a recovered image is the linear combination of the original image and its even-order differences, where the combining coefficients are determined by the system point-spread function, constraint operator, regulation parameter and the decomposition base function. Detailed analysis and derivation of equations are presented and the processed results for both simulated and practical images show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme for deteriorated images with various signal-to-noise ratios.
