Current Issue Cover

张翔1, 肖小玲2, 徐光祐3(1.长江大学地球物理与石油资源学院,荆州 434023;2.武汉理工大学计算机科学与技术学院,武汉 430063;3.清华大学计算机系,北京 100084)

摘 要
Determination and Analysis of Fuzzy Membership for SVM


Relative to the fuzzy membership as a function of distance between the point and its class center in feature space for some current fuzzy support vector machines, a new and more effective fuzzy membership as a function of affinity among samples is proposed for the measurement of the inaccuracy of samples. The fuzzy membership is defined by not only the relation between a sample and its cluster center, but also those among samples, which is described by the fuzzy connectedness among samples. The fuzzy membership based on the affinity among samples for support vector machine effectively distinguishes between support vectors and outliers or noises. Experimental results show that the fuzzy support vector machine, based on the affinity among samples is more robust than the traditional support vector machine, and fuzzy support vector machines taken by other two fuzzy memberships.
