Current Issue Cover

孙雪梅1, 苏菲1, 蔡安妮1(北京邮电大学电信工程学院多媒体通信与生物特征识别实验室,北京 100086)

摘 要
Illumination Direction Estimation in Face Recognition Based on Bifurcate Tree and SVM


To solve the complex and nonlinear illumination direction classification problem in face recognition, a method based on bifurcate tree and SVM is proposed in this paper. Before using the SVM, light directions are firstly sorted into a bifurcate tree according to its intrinsic intensity distribution which assure that only a few classes are sorted at every branch. Moreover, different features are extracted for SVM at the different levels according to the lighting characteristics of the corresponding levels. Experiment results show that the proposed method is efficient to solve multi-classes classification problem and the accuracy can be achieved to 89.16%.
