Current Issue Cover

宋乐1, 林玉池1, 周欣1, 黄银国1(天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室,天津 300072)

摘 要
Optimizing Method for Infrared Image Processing System Based on DM642


An optimized design method of the infrared image processing system is proposed in this paper. The system adopts INFRARED-2500AS as the infrared detector. Based on a high performance digital media processor DM642, the captured infrared images are processed with several algorithms, such as image interpolation and histogram equalization. Video encoder is used in order to output infrared images. After explaining the system structure and the instruction process flow, the corresponding optimizing strategies of the hardware and the software is introduced, including system circuit design and an improved memory structure allocation. The multimedia instruction set of DM642 is also used for code optimization. Experimental results show that the speed and stability of the system have been remarkably improved, which could meet the requirements of large data volume, high-speed transmission and complex operations of the infrared image processing algorithm. The system can be applied in poor environments and will play an important role in the military and civilian fields, etc.
