Current Issue Cover

刘博文1,2, 余松煜1,2, 徐奕1,2, 杨小康1,2(1.上海交通大学电子工程系图像通信与信息处理研究所,上海 200240;2.上海交通大学上海市数字媒体处理与传输重点实验室,上海 200240)

摘 要
Correspondence of Object-of-Interest in Wide Baseline Active Vision


In active vision system, intelligent analysis of objects-of-interest(OOI) in 3D scene generally needs multi-agent cooperation, which depends heavily on the accuracy of multi-view geometry computation and the robust correspondence of OOI. In most cases, active vision system captures multiple views under wide-baseline stereo model, which results in distinct affine distortions between views and complex description of correspondence problem. Furthermore, the difficulty of depicting correspondence problem in active vision is aggravated when the cameras perform real-time pose adjustment for active OOI tracking with the best viewpoint. For above mentioned issues, this paperproposes amethod to achieve real-time multi-view geometry updating on the basis of constructing geometric feature invariants. Then a robust OOI correspondence algorithm is advanced with the acquired multi-view geometry constraint. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can obtain robust OOI correspondence under wide baseline stereomodel and be suitable for real-time application in active vision system.
