Current Issue Cover

张浩峰1,2, 赵春霞1, 陈得宝2(1.南京理工大学计算机科学与技术学院,南京 210094;2.淮北煤炭师范学院物理系,淮北 235000)

摘 要
A Segment-based Two-step Stereo Correspondence Algorithm


A segment-based two-step stereo correspondence algorithm is proposed. In the first step, Dynamic Programming and Left-Right Consistency are used to detect ground control points, and the original image is segmented into small areas, where each of them is assumed as a single disparity, mean while the detected GCP are used to compute the disparity value of the part of the image; In the second step, the left unmatched areas are coded as a single chromosome, and are optimized with genetic algorithm to generate the dense stereo disparity map. The algorithm is tested on the standard image pairs, and the experimental results show its good performance.
