Current Issue Cover

章志勇1, 许芸1, 凌云1, 王勋1(浙江工商大学计算机与信息工程学院,杭州 310035)

摘 要
A Shape-based 3D Model Matching: Review and Research


Since more and more 3D models are developed for applications, the technique for content-based 3D model shape matching become more and more important, and researches have presented kinds of 3D model shape matching algorithms. In this paper, a comprehensive survey of the up-to-date methods and technologies for content-based 3D model shape matching algorithms is presented. The system framework of 3D model retrieval system is first introduced. Then the primary key techniques of 3D model shape matching, including anisotropy transform, coordinate normalization, online-based shape matching, topological-based shape matching, visual-based shape matching, and some. At experimental results with a 3D model database that contains 2 533 3D models, are analyzed the studying progress in this field, proposes a few weaknesses in 3D model shape similarity matching research field, and future areas of research are also put forward.
