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屈磊1, 韦穗1, 梁栋1, 王年1(安徽大学计算智能与信号处理教育部重点实验室,合肥 230039)

摘 要
摘要:在对图像局部特性分析的基础上,提出了一种简单的非迭代自适应模板快速图像修复算法。该算法首先通过对待修复点邻域像素梯度值进行排序,估计出该点的等照度线方向,从而自适应地确定其修复模板,然后利用快进法(fast marching method)确定修复路径并完成对整个破损区域的修复。实验结果表明,该算法对边缘细节及平滑区域均有良好的修复能力,在相近的修复时间内能得到明显优于一般快速图像修复算法的修复效果。
A Fast Image Inpainting Algorithm by Adaptive Mask


Abstract:Based on the analysis of local characteristic of nature images, a fast and non-iterative inpainting algorithm using adaptive mask is proposed in this paper. First, the direction of isophotes is estimated through sorting. Accordingly, the restore mask can be chosen adaptively. Then, the whole damaged area can be restored along the routine which defined by the fast marching method. The experimental results show that this algorithm has better ability in restoring both smooth area and edge-contained area compared to other fast inpainting algorithms.
