Current Issue Cover

李富裕1, 李言俊1, 张科1(西北工业大学航天学院,西安 710072)

摘 要
The Use of the Chain-code Technique in Extracting Feature Point in Scene Image


Abstract:Aiming at scene image’s character, a method to extract feature point in scene image based on chain-code technique is proposed. Firstly an improved chain-code technique is introduced to represent scene image’s contour. Secondly using the invariability of chain code’s reconstruction, the image’s dominating contour is reconstructed simultaneously the information of noise and detail is wiped off, and then the dominating contour’s chain code is gained using the same method. Then all kinds of features are extracted from the chain code, including the end of border, the center of shape, the point of crossing and main corner point. Finally experiments show that the proposed method is effective for extracting feature point, and has capability of anti-jamming and compressing information.
