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田伟1, 乔谊正1(山东大学控制科学与工程学院,济南 250061)

摘 要
摘要:为快速并准确地进行脱机签名鉴定,提出了一种结合模糊理论建立动态匹配目标函数用于鉴定的新方案。鉴于签名图像具有投影特征提取简单的特点, 该方案通过选择合适的隶属度函数,归纳出动态匹配所必需的目标函数式,并给出了相应的求解方法。同时还根据实验结果讨论了新方案中参考样本的选择和判别阈值对鉴定结果的影响,并与其他方案的实验结果进行了比较,结果表明,该方案是有效的。
Off-line Signature Verification based on Dynamic Matching with Fuzzy Modeling


Abstract:A novel approach to building up an objective function of dynamic matching combined with fuzzy modeling is presented in order to carry out off-line signature verification quickly and accurately. Considering that the projection profiles for feature extraction are very simple, the scheme chooses a suitable membership function to obtain the objective function and dynamic programming is carried out. Then the influence of selecting the reference signature sample and threshold decision is discussed. Some satisfactory experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme when compared with other schemes.
