Current Issue Cover

邵静1, 高隽2(1.合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院图像信息处理研究室,合肥 230009;2.中国科学院合肥智能机械研究所仿生感知与控制研究中心,合肥 230031)

摘 要
Visual Selective Attention Computational Model Based on Synergetic Perception


Abstract:In the task-relevant visual attention, the saliency map based on task is required to be built to direct the visual attention. The synergetic perception theory which is similar to the cognition of the human is utilized to research the computational model of task-relevant visual attention. Firstly, the perception of ambiguous model is researched through the synergetic recognition theory. The synergetic visual perception theory is available. The patterns in the synergetic visual perception are corresponding to the visual features in the visual attention model. Then, the bias between the visual features influenced by the task is computed by the property of the bias matrix. The task-relevant visual attention saliency map is built from the bias and the visual features. Finally, a computational model of visual selective attention based on synergetic perception is presented. The algorithm is applied to the visual search task. The validity and the rationality in cognition of the algorithm are demonstrated through the experiments.
