Current Issue Cover

王丽1, 卢迪1, 吕剑飞1(哈尔滨理工大学电气与电子工程学院,哈尔滨 150040)

摘 要
Multi-focus Image Fusion Scheme Based on Wavelet Contrast


Abstract:The vision system of human being is sensitive to local contrast. If the wavelet transform and directional contrast are put together, the effect of image fusion may be better. This paper puts forward a new multi-focus image fusion scheme based on wavelet directional contrast after researching the directional contrast. First, the input multi-focus images are decomposed by wavelet transform. Second, the high frequency neighborhood and low frequency neighborhood are ratioed on each disaggregatire layer of each image. Low frequency of this decomposition is obtained by two-dimensional discrete wavelet inverse transform of last decomposition’s low frequency and high frequency. The bigger ratio one corresponding high frequency wavelet coefficient is taken to corresponding wavelet coefficient. Then two-dimensional discrete wavelet inverse transform of high frequency and low frequency from the maximum decomposition to minimum decomposition is calculated. The fusion image is acquived at last. The neighborhood relativity of pixel is taken into account, the error in selecting pixels is reduced. Experiments show that this scheme is improved than the multi-focus image scheme calculating the wavelet directional contrast of each pixel.
