Current Issue Cover

邓宝松1, 高宇1, 魏迎梅1, 吴玲达1(国防科学技术大学多媒体研究开发中心,长沙 410073)

摘 要
A Novel Method for Evaluating the Location Error of Affine Invariant Features


Feature matching is a fundamental problem in computer vision. There are geometrical deformations, named plane homography, between corresponding feature windows on different images of the same patch on scene surface. But most of the state-of-the-art matching schemes approximate the homography with an affine transformation model, namely affine invariant features. The linear character of affine model not only reduces the complication of matching process, but ensures a good and stable convergence of the unmanageable iteration. However, there are no quantificational discussions about this approximation by far. In this paper, an overview of invariant features under different geometric groups was given first, and then a quantificational analysis of affine invariant features was proposed. The analytic expression of location error was deduced by our novel method, named normalization of conic equations. Experimental results of real images demonstrate the correctness and necessity of our method. Finally, some valuable conclusions and suggestions based on the above analysis are deduced both on theory and in practice.
