Current Issue Cover

明英1,2, 蒋晶珏2,3(1.清华大学电子工程系,北京 100084;2.武汉大学计算机学院,武汉 430079;3.武警武汉指挥学院,武汉 430064)

摘 要
Cauchy Distribution Based on Statistical Change Detection for Visual Surveillance


A novel illumination-invariant change detection algorithm based on Cauchy distribution is proposed. The intensity ratios between two images are used as the feature to model and subtract background. The distribution of the intensity ratios between corresponding pixels of two background images follows Cauchy distribution, assuming that some observed temporal intensity variation of each pixel in background images are caused by white noise. The intensity, hue and saturation in the YCbCr color space are employed to recognize and eliminate shadows in video sequences. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can tolerate the whole or local quick or slow changes in illuminations, and can filter noise caused by small motion in scene background.
